Team events and outdoor adventures

Declaration of Liability

(To be signed before the tour begins)

I am aware of the risks associated with participating in the event and the traumas, injuries, etc. that may occur as a result of my participation.

I hereby confirm that I am aware of my following obligations:

  • the obligation to follow the instructions and rules of the tour guide or instructor during the event
  • the obligation not to disturb the tour guide or instructor and other participants with my behavior
  • the obligation not to deviate from the prescribed route
  • the obligation not to take unnecessary risks and to act endangering oneself and/or others
  • the obligation to use the equipment given to me prudently and carefully
  • the obligation to compensate for damage caused to the equipment in my use

I am aware that if I violate the previously stated obligations, the tour guide or instructor may exclude me from the event and I am not entitled to a refund of the amount paid for the event.

I confirm that I do not suffer from or have not suffered from illnesses that could cause acute seizures. I confirm that I am not under the influence of alcohol or other narcotic substances.

I am aware that Wanderlust Matkad OÜ does not have accident insurance. For that reason, I know that I am not insured by Wanderlust Matkad OÜ.

Based on the agreement concluded with Wanderlust Matkad OÜ, I waive my contractual and non-contractual claims against Wanderlust Matkad OÜ, which may arise in connection with my participation in the event, and I understand the possible consequences of such an agreement. I am aware that such possible claims may be claims for damages in connection with the injury to my health.

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